
Internationella webbinarium

torsdag 30 januari 2025
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EJOT infästningar för plast, lättmetall, tunnplåt och stål

I år kommer vi att genomföra en onlineutbildning för våra kunder den första tisdagen i varje månad. Webbinariet äger rum kl. 13:00 CET. Varje webbsession är utformad för att pågå i högst 1 timme. Vi börjar den 4 mars med "Basics of direct fastening".

Dessa webbinarier ger dig en översikt över infästning i termoplaster, härdplaster samt stål, aluminium och magnesium. Våra erfarna experter kommer att diskutera praktiska exempel för vikt- och kostnadsreduktion. Designriktlinjer och liveberäkningar för utformning av skruvförband kommer också att diskuteras i detalj under online-seminariet.

Du kommer också att kunna utbyta teknisk information med våra experter - så att inga av dina frågor om fästeknik förblir obesvarade.

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EJOT fasteners for plastic-, steel and light alloys

This year, we will conduct an online training for our customers on the first Tuesday of each month. The webinar takes place at 1:00 p.m. CET. Each web session is designed to last a maximum of 1 hour. We will start on March 4 with 'Basics of direct fastening'.

These webinars will give you an overview of direct fastening into thermoplastics, thermosets, as well as steel, aluminium and magnesium. Our experienced experts will discuss practical examples for weight and cost reduction. Design guidelines and live calculations for the design of screw joints will also discussed in detail in the online seminar.

You will also be able to exchange technical information with our experts - so that none of your fastening technology questions remain unanswered.

Register here


Overview of EJOT Online Trainings 2025: 

Basics of direct fastening 

In this web-seminar, you will learn firsthand which parameters need to be considered for direct fastening and how you can achieve faster assembly with lower costs and increased process reliability using self-tapping screws from EJOT. 
Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 1:00 p.m. CET 
Duration: 1 hour 
Registration deadline: February 18, 2025 


Self-tapping into plastics 

Self-tapping screws from EJOT enable cost-effective and process-reliable connections in thermoplastics and thermosets without additional inserts or similar components. In particular, the EVO PT® screw offers high standardization potential and a variety of digital services. 
Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 1:00 p.m. CET 
Duration: 1 hour 
Registration deadline: March 18, 2025 


Self-tapping into light alloy material 

Economical, smart and compact – the fastening solution for castable component design. The ALtracs® Xt screw can be directly assembled into the cast hole, enabling significant cost savings.
Date: Tuesday, May 6, 2025, 1:00 p.m. CET 
Duration: 1 hour 
Registration deadline: April 22, 2025 


Unpredictable? Not at all. With EJOT Engineering Services

EJOT offers you customized fastening support already in the development phase. Starting with prognosis programs for the preliminary design of self-tapping screw connections to the analysis of complete assemblies, you save time and thus costs. 
Date: Tuesday, June 3, 2025, 1:00 p.m. CET 
Duration: 1 hour 
Registration deadline: May 20, 2025 


Fastening solutions for aerospace applications 

The materials used in aircraft interiors must be light and stable. EJOT offers a variety of fastening solutions with great potential for automation, cost reduction and sustainability. From adhesive-free inserts to thread-forming screws. 
Date: Tuesday, July 1, 2025, 1:00 p.m. CET 
Duration: 1 hour 
Registration deadline: June 17, 2025 


Joining technologies for body-in-white 

The heterogeneous material mix of modern body-in-white construction meets the highest demands for stability, rigidity and lightness. For this demanding application area, EJOT offers durable and process-reliable fastening solutions that withstand the highest loads. 
Date: Tuesday, August 5, 2025, 1:00 p.m. CET 
Duration: 1 hour 
Registration deadline: July 22, 2025 


TOBI® Drive-System – Sits, fits, does not wobble and does not need (compressed) air 

With the TOBI® screw drive concept, the screws no longer fall off the bit due to the special clamping effect. This allows secure fastening of components even in hard-to-reach areas without the need for complex vacuum technology. 
Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2025, 1:00 p.m. CET 
Duration: 1 hour 
Registration deadline: August 19, 2025 


Precise technical cold-formed parts from EJOT 

With EJOFORM® cold-formed parts, your ideas are almost limitless – the range of applications is enormous. EJOT offers you customized development services, high production capacities and international availability. EJOFORM® – We make it possible. 
Date: Tuesday, October 7, 2025, 1:00 p.m. CET 
Duration: 0.75 hours 
Registration deadline: September 23, 2025 


E-Mobility – Much more than "just" screws 

They connect, insulate, conduct, seal, absorb vibrations or maintain distance – EJOT products for electromobility fulfill exactly the functions you need in your application. They are made of steel, copper or plastic, also in combination as hybrid parts. 
Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2025, 1:00 p.m. CET 
Duration: 1 hour 
Registration deadline: October 21, 2025 


TORQtec® – Plastic and Metal in Motion 

Movement is always good – even better when everything fits together as it does with the TORQtec® systems from EJOT. These hybrid parts, made of metal and plastic, are used for example in actuators for seats, exterior mirrors or car doors. 
Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2025, 1:00 p.m. CET 
Duration: 1 hour 
Registration deadline: November 18, 2025